Fun Five at Pratt's Brook

Yarmouth with Phoebe, Henry, Saltine, Nala & Ruby

Ruby watching the others go for a swim

Ruby watching the others go for a swim

Henry headed down the trail

Henry headed down the trail

Nala and Phoebe sniffing around  

Nala and Phoebe sniffing around  

Henry & Ruby checking out the trail

Henry & Ruby checking out the trail

Everyone splashing around  

Everyone splashing around  

Nala & Phoebe watching swimmers on the bridge, Saltine shaking off  

Nala & Phoebe watching swimmers on the bridge, Saltine shaking off  

Phoebe, Nala & Saltine love the water

Phoebe, Nala & Saltine love the water

Henry & Ruby are pals

Henry & Ruby are pals

Ruby & Phoebe headed in different directions  

Ruby & Phoebe headed in different directions  

Headed for home

Headed for home

Henry & The Poodle Party

Pratt's Brook in Yarmouth with Lola, Remy, Henry, Leo & Hank

Lola & Remy stop to battle for a stick

Lola & Remy stop to battle for a stick

Henry & Hank exploring the trail

Henry & Hank exploring the trail

Leo chasing Lola through the trees  

Leo chasing Lola through the trees  

Everyone in the water! 

Everyone in the water! 

Lola, Leo & Remy run wild through the fields

Lola, Leo & Remy run wild through the fields

Henry, Hank & Remy crossing the bridge

Henry, Hank & Remy crossing the bridge

Henry & Leo at play, with Remy in tow

Henry & Leo at play, with Remy in tow

Lola's ears perk up as Leo runs by

Lola's ears perk up as Leo runs by

Remy in hot pursuit  

Remy in hot pursuit  

Everyone headed home for the day  

Everyone headed home for the day  

Six Pack at Pratt's Brook

With Remy, Calvin, Henry, Saltine, Henry & Macey

The two Henrys greeting the brothers Remy & Calvin

The two Henrys greeting the brothers Remy & Calvin

Calvin & Saltine running by the water

Calvin & Saltine running by the water

Coming in from the brook

Coming in from the brook

Henry, Macey & Henry crossing the bridge

Henry, Macey & Henry crossing the bridge

Rolling in the woods

Rolling in the woods

Calvin & Remy following Saltine & Henry down the trail

Calvin & Remy following Saltine & Henry down the trail

Henry drinking from his giant dog bowl

Henry drinking from his giant dog bowl

Remy & Macey playing chase

Remy & Macey playing chase

Henry on the waterside

Henry on the waterside

Henry coming up the hill

Henry coming up the hill

Saltine being chased up the hill by Henry

Saltine being chased up the hill by Henry

Running across the field

Running across the field

Storm clouds on the horizon

Storm clouds on the horizon

Fun Five at Quarry Run

Portland with Henry, Saltine, Riley, Sienna & Milo

Milo & Saltine making friends

Milo & Saltine making friends

Sienna hanging with some humans  

Sienna hanging with some humans  

Sienna & Henry playing

Sienna & Henry playing

Riley stopping in to say hello

Riley stopping in to say hello

Henry making friends with the locals

Henry making friends with the locals

Saltine & Henry wrestling in the dirt

Saltine & Henry wrestling in the dirt

The welcoming committee

The welcoming committee

Stopping to enjoy a cold drink

Stopping to enjoy a cold drink

Saltine hogging the water bowl

Saltine hogging the water bowl

Riley & Henry stopping by the bench to greet some people

Riley & Henry stopping by the bench to greet some people

First Five at Pratt's Brook

Yarmouth with Phoebe, Champ, Henry, Nala & Riley

Nala & Phoebe headed up the hill

Nala & Phoebe headed up the hill

Everyone taking a dip in the brook

Everyone taking a dip in the brook

Champ found a giant stick

Champ found a giant stick

Henry flying through the air

Henry flying through the air

Riley coming back from a hunt in the woods  

Riley coming back from a hunt in the woods  

Champ with a big smile

Champ with a big smile

Nala & Phoebe running down the trail  

Nala & Phoebe running down the trail  

Henry with a photo bomb  

Henry with a photo bomb  

Phoebe strolling through the trees

Phoebe strolling through the trees

Everyone headed for home to relax Goethe afternoon  

Everyone headed for home to relax Goethe afternoon  

Monday Madness at Pratt's Brook

Yarmouth with Saltine, Henry, Lola, Remy & Henry  

Lola, Saltine & Remy battling for a stick

Lola, Saltine & Remy battling for a stick

A flurry of activity as we head to the trail  

A flurry of activity as we head to the trail  

The newest Henry crossing the bridge  

The newest Henry crossing the bridge  

Saltine shaking off after a dip in the brook

Saltine shaking off after a dip in the brook

Remy & Lola playing in the water  

Remy & Lola playing in the water  

Lola & Saltine wrestling in the water while Henry tries to convince Henry to take a dip

Lola & Saltine wrestling in the water while Henry tries to convince Henry to take a dip

Henry is a happy boy

Henry is a happy boy

Lola watching along the shoreline  

Lola watching along the shoreline  

Lola, Remy & Henry cooling off in the water

Lola, Remy & Henry cooling off in the water

Everyone sprinting across the field to the parking lot  

Everyone sprinting across the field to the parking lot  

Saltine & Lola on the go  

Saltine & Lola on the go  

Henry and Remy playing chase through the brush

Henry and Remy playing chase through the brush

Fun Foursome at Fort Williams

Cape Elizabeth with Luke, Ina, Riley & Beau

Beautiful day by the ocean  

Beautiful day by the ocean  

Everyone headed toward the shore

Everyone headed toward the shore

Luke chilling in the shade

Luke chilling in the shade

Beau is on the go

Beau is on the go

Riley resting in the shade by the fence

Riley resting in the shade by the fence

Ina coming back from a trip through the brush

Ina coming back from a trip through the brush

Riley is always up for an adventure  

Riley is always up for an adventure  

Luke stopping short of the cliff  

Luke stopping short of the cliff  

Bo & Luke together again  

Bo & Luke together again  

Ina has a shady spot to rest

Ina has a shady spot to rest

Riley stops for some shade under the picnic table  

Riley stops for some shade under the picnic table  

Beau climbing the cliffs after going down to the beach

Beau climbing the cliffs after going down to the beach

Cool Crew on a Hot Thursday

Falmouth with Emma, Lola, Casco & Ina

Everyone climbing the hill back to the trail  

Everyone climbing the hill back to the trail  

Ina & Casco stopping to say hi

Ina & Casco stopping to say hi

Staying in the shade to stay cool

Staying in the shade to stay cool

Lola & Casco coming out of the woods

Lola & Casco coming out of the woods

Lola stopping for a break while Ina & Emma look on

Lola stopping for a break while Ina & Emma look on

Casco headed into the trees

Casco headed into the trees

Ina, Casco & Emma hunting for Lola

Ina, Casco & Emma hunting for Lola

Casco & Emma atop the hill

Casco & Emma atop the hill

Lola & Emma tracking a scent while Ina runs the other way

Lola & Emma tracking a scent while Ina runs the other way

Lost in the way back, but we found the trail home  

Lost in the way back, but we found the trail home  

Wednesday Stroll in the Rain

In Yarmouth with Remy, Lika, Ina, Macey & Riley

Riley & Lola playing on the trail  

Riley & Lola playing on the trail  

Ina & Remy following the crew

Ina & Remy following the crew

Everyone waiting on the bridge for Riley

Everyone waiting on the bridge for Riley

The girls team up on Remy

The girls team up on Remy

Lola chasing Remy through the pack

Lola chasing Remy through the pack

Macey trying to cross the brook  

Macey trying to cross the brook  

Lola separating from the pack to search for chipmunks  

Lola separating from the pack to search for chipmunks  

Remy & Ina wrestling down the road

Remy & Ina wrestling down the road

Riley emerging from the woods  

Riley emerging from the woods  

Headed for home to dry off

Headed for home to dry off

Swimming in Pratt's Brook

Yarmouth with Phoebe, Champ, Beau, Nala & Riley

Everyone enjoying a spa day

Everyone enjoying a spa day

Riley sprinting through the brush

Riley sprinting through the brush

Phoebe running over the bridge with Champ

Phoebe running over the bridge with Champ

Champ with a winning smile  

Champ with a winning smile  

A wet Nala discovered a tennis ball along the way 

A wet Nala discovered a tennis ball along the way 

The two Goodens, Nala & Beau

The two Goodens, Nala & Beau

Riley & Beau making friends

Riley & Beau making friends

Phoebe emerging from the brook

Phoebe emerging from the brook

Champ & Nala splashing around  

Champ & Nala splashing around  

Riley takes a dip, Champ pawing the eater

Riley takes a dip, Champ pawing the eater

Headed home after a swim filled day

Headed home after a swim filled day

Party in the Woods

Falmouth with Lola, Emma, Luke & Casco

Everyone paired off headed down the trail  

Everyone paired off headed down the trail  

Luke with a big smile

Luke with a big smile

Emma & Casco watch Luke run the other way

Emma & Casco watch Luke run the other way

Lol emerging from her hunt in the woods

Lol emerging from her hunt in the woods

On the trail on another beautiful day

On the trail on another beautiful day

Casco ready to play

Casco ready to play

Luke and Casco playing chase

Luke and Casco playing chase

Casco looking back to make sure he's not alone

Casco looking back to make sure he's not alone

Having a blast in the woods  

Having a blast in the woods  

Headed home for the day

Headed home for the day

On Island Time

LittleJohn Preserve with Lola, Remy, Grace & Roxy

Roxy & Remy ready to play  

Roxy & Remy ready to play  

Everyone splashing along the shoreline  

Everyone splashing along the shoreline  

Roxy & Remy in mid pursuit  

Roxy & Remy in mid pursuit  

Lola and Remy getting out of the water

Lola and Remy getting out of the water

Playing some chase in the ocean  

Playing some chase in the ocean  

Grace getting ready to take a dip  

Grace getting ready to take a dip  

Roxy watching from the rocks  

Roxy watching from the rocks  

Lola and Remy on the beach

Lola and Remy on the beach

Headed down the trail back to the car

Headed down the trail back to the car

Another perfect day at Kanine Kings

Another perfect day at Kanine Kings

Shady Stroll on a Hot Day

Falmouth with Casco, Calvin, Lola, Riley & Rudy

Casco, Rudy & Calvin playing chase

Casco, Rudy & Calvin playing chase

Casco hanging out in the shade  

Casco hanging out in the shade  

Calvin emerging from the woods

Calvin emerging from the woods

Lola playing with Rudy & Riley

Lola playing with Rudy & Riley

Rudy & Casco running down the hill

Rudy & Casco running down the hill

Calvin, Lola & Casco stopping to explore the smells

Calvin, Lola & Casco stopping to explore the smells

Casco & Calvin are pals

Casco & Calvin are pals

Rudy is a happy dog  

Rudy is a happy dog  

Everyone headed down the trail  

Everyone headed down the trail  

Lola emerging from the woods

Lola emerging from the woods

Fel's Grove Five

Yarmouth with Maggie, Grace, Roxy, Lola & Macey

Maggie, Lola & Roxy headed down the trail  

Maggie, Lola & Roxy headed down the trail  

The grass is getting tall at Fel's 

The grass is getting tall at Fel's 

Everyone trying to keep up with Macey

Everyone trying to keep up with Macey

Grace found two tennis balls today  

Grace found two tennis balls today  

Grace and Roxy search for a ball

Grace and Roxy search for a ball

Lola closing in on Macey

Lola closing in on Macey

Grace gets the ball once again  

Grace gets the ball once again  

Maggie & Lola venture off the trail

Maggie & Lola venture off the trail

Roxy & Maggie

Roxy & Maggie

Exploring the woods at the edge of the grove

Exploring the woods at the edge of the grove

Nature Walk

On the trails in Falmouth with Beau, Lola, Riley & Tucker

Lola saying hello  

Lola saying hello  

Beau on the go  

Beau on the go  

Tucker trucking down the trail  

Tucker trucking down the trail  

Riley crossing the field to the trails  

Riley crossing the field to the trails  

Tucker watching on

Tucker watching on

Beau coming out of the brush  

Beau coming out of the brush  

Lola running through the trees

Lola running through the trees

Lola catching up with Riley

Lola catching up with Riley

Riley turning the corner

Riley turning the corner

Reunited on the trail

Reunited on the trail