Fun Five in Falmouth

Saltine, Henry, Ina, CoCo & Tucker

Tucker & Henry facing off with Saltine & CoCo

Tucker & Henry facing off with Saltine & CoCo

CoCo & Saltine are pals

CoCo & Saltine are pals

Tucker & Ina playing in the sand pit

Tucker & Ina playing in the sand pit

CoCo on the go  

CoCo on the go  

Henry & Tucker resting while CoCo & Ina interrupt Saltine's rest  

Henry & Tucker resting while CoCo & Ina interrupt Saltine's rest  

Saltine & Henry playing in the sand

Saltine & Henry playing in the sand

Henry & CoCo headed in opposite directions  

Henry & CoCo headed in opposite directions  

CoCo headed into the woods to explore

CoCo headed into the woods to explore

Playing amongst the trees  

Playing amongst the trees  

Leashed up and headed for home

Leashed up and headed for home