Monday was the first walk for one of our newest Kanine Kings, Remy. He was a bit skeptical at first about getting in the car, but he caught on quickly to the idea we were going somewhere fun. Grace, Zoey, Roxy & Godiva joined in for our trip to Fort Williams and there were a few other dogs there playing fetch. This group got along great with one another and were friendly to all of the other visitors to the park. Roxy & Remy were fast friends, playing tag, chasing each other all around the park, while Zoey and Grace were happy to play some fetch. Godiva stuck close by, checking out the scents of the melting snow and unseasonably warm weather. We got a lot of exercise, and enjoyed the beautiful weather with some great waterfront views, before it was time to head for home to relax for the afternoon. It was a great group to spend time with on another great day at Kanine Kings.