The weather was a bit chilly, but the sun was shining to start this Friday at Kanine Kings, and we started at Fel's Grove with a great group of seven pups. Our newest Kanine King, Summer, fit in nicely with the crew including Lola, Leo, Hank, Ina, Riley & Godiva on our trip to Fel's Grove. We had a few tennis balls to toss around and they splashed through the puddles to retrieve them or played keep away from one another. Summer found a stick she liked and played tug of war with a few of the others playfully in the puddles. This group had the grove all to themselves today and made the most of it, running and splashing every which way. We managed to get wet from head to toe, but it was nothing that couldn't be easily cleaned up, before heading for home for the weekend in time to greet their owners hello when they arrived.