Five in the Field at Fel's

For my afternoon group walk today I picked up Saltine, Kaia, Macey, Roxy and Grace for a play date at Fel's Grove. We had a fun trip and met a couple of new friends while we were out there. Saltine, Kaia and Macey had a good time exploring a little and playing together. While Roxy and Grace each had there own ball to chase after and fetch today. Saltine snatched a ball or 2 to tease the other dogs, then Roxy would join in to play with her for a little bit. A couple puddles was all that remained from the late snowstorm yesterday and of course Saltine sniffed them out to run through and plop herself in. It was a nice and sunny trip for us today but before long it was time to load up and return everyone home safe and sound. 
