Waterfront Stroll with Champ

Last but not least for this busy Thursday was a trip to LittleJohn preserve for a walk along the water with Champ.  He approached the shore, but was a bit reluctant to get his feet wet and preferred to explore the nearby woods.  He chased a few chipmunks and squirrels up some trees, and managed to overlook a snake we came across on the path.  Champ had a lot of energy and we got in a lot of running around the preserve for the afternoon.  We had the place all to ourselves, and it was a great day to enjoy the beautiful weather as we took in the beautiful scenery.  Champ had a lot of fun and was on his best behavior for the afternoon before it was time to head for home in time to greet their owners upon their arrival.  Champ made for a great way to close out another busy day at Kanine Kings. 
