Introducing: Teddy!

Our rainy day fun continued with a trip to Fort Williams with a trio of great dogs.  Remy & Godiva were joined by our newest King, Teddy.  Teddy & Remy were fast friends and took turns chasing one another all over the park.  Godiva made a few runs around the fields with these two before she ventured off to explore.  Teddy & Remy found a few sticks and took turns chasing one another and alternating playing keep away from one another.  We saw another dog or two our with their owners, but they were quickly ready to head home.  We spent some time exploring the fort and this group didn't let the weather dissuade them from having a great day.  Everyone was on their best behavior for the trip and got in a lot of exercise.   We had a blast despite the rain with this great trio.
