Friday's Starting Five

Scarborough Preserve with Ginger, Saltine, Mudbug, Finn & Riley

Finn & Ginger off the trail

Finn & Ginger off the trail

Mudbug watching the chase

Mudbug watching the chase

Riley & Finn being buddies

Riley & Finn being buddies

Saltine on the move.....

Saltine on the move..... the pond the pond

Riley cooling down in the pond

Riley cooling down in the pond

Everyone in!! 

Everyone in!! 

The chase is on! 

The chase is on! 

Ginger visiting Riley

Ginger visiting Riley

Mudbug & Saltine taking a dip

Mudbug & Saltine taking a dip

Ginger leaping Finn as she eludes Mudbug

Ginger leaping Finn as she eludes Mudbug

Saltine creeping behind a bush  

Saltine creeping behind a bush