Beach Day on LittleJohn

Yarmouth with Phoebe, Champ, Roxy, Grace & Henry

Phoebe & the Goldens headed to the ocean

Phoebe & the Goldens headed to the ocean

Grace smiling for the camera  

Grace smiling for the camera  

Pheobe lurking in the shadows  

Pheobe lurking in the shadows  

Champ on the seaweed

Champ on the seaweed

Henry chasing the group to the point

Henry chasing the group to the point

Strong swimmers  

Strong swimmers  

Henry on the go

Henry on the go

Phoebe loves the beach

Phoebe loves the beach

Roxy & Phoebe frolicking in the field  

Roxy & Phoebe frolicking in the field  

Headed for home after a swim

Headed for home after a swim