Monday called for clear skies with some chilly spring weather, and it was perfect conditions for a trip to Quarry Run to play. Lola, Remy, Grace, Roxy, Ina, Violet, Koda & Mya were all excited to get out today and chased one another up the hill to see if there were any other dogs around. They had the park to themselves when we arrived, but others quickly arrived and these pups were happy to let them join in their games. We tossed a few tennis balls, and the group rounded up a few sticks, and these guys were ready to run. We were lucky to have some nice weather, and the park was mostly dry after last weeks rain which made for a perfect day to get in lots of exercise and play time. Everyone was on their best behavior for the afternoon and got in lots of fetch and tug of war among themselves and their friends before it was time to head for home. Everyone got home in time to greet their owners and this was a great group to start out another great week at Kanine Kings.