Afternoon Stroll Along the Waterfront

LittleJohn Preserve with Roxy, Grace, Henry & Saltine

Everyone running on the beach

Everyone running on the beach

Roxy chasing Saltine through the woods  

Roxy chasing Saltine through the woods  

Henry sniffing some grass

Henry sniffing some grass

Henry & Saltine looking for the beach  

Henry & Saltine looking for the beach  

Grace is a happy dog

Grace is a happy dog

Saltine sprinting around the bend  

Saltine sprinting around the bend  

Grace & Rixy coming up from the beach

Grace & Rixy coming up from the beach

Henry shaking off after a swim  

Henry shaking off after a swim  

Henry & Roxy wrestling while Grace & Saltine watch on

Henry & Roxy wrestling while Grace & Saltine watch on

Headed back home for a drink

Headed back home for a drink