Fun Five in Falmouth

With Emma, Lola, Luke, Tucker & Casco

Casco & Emma looking over the hill

Casco & Emma looking over the hill

Tucker & Luke facing off

Tucker & Luke facing off

Lola headed in the wrong direction  

Lola headed in the wrong direction  

A jumble of pups on the hillside  

A jumble of pups on the hillside  

Luke, Emma & Casco playing in circles  

Luke, Emma & Casco playing in circles  

Lola hoarding a stick, Tucker watching the puppies

Lola hoarding a stick, Tucker watching the puppies

Casco & Emma are buddies

Casco & Emma are buddies

Tucker play bowing with Luke

Tucker play bowing with Luke

Lola still hoarding the sticks

Lola still hoarding the sticks

Casco is a happy boy

Casco is a happy boy