Tuesday's Gone

We managed to avoid the rain and had a great day with an assortment of great dogs

Henry running from Fort Williams ruins

Henry running from Fort Williams ruins

Lola barking at the pack  

Lola barking at the pack  

Emma, Lola & Henry play tag through the trees

Emma, Lola & Henry play tag through the trees

Lou making new friends at the park  

Lou making new friends at the park  

Lola, Saltine & Henry chase each other in circles  

Lola, Saltine & Henry chase each other in circles  

Henry, Lola & Saltine sniff around another park goer 

Henry, Lola & Saltine sniff around another park goer 

Finn sprinting across the field

Finn sprinting across the field

Lou & Riley head down the trail

Lou & Riley head down the trail

Henry running around my ankles

Henry running around my ankles

Emma running toward Casco with Tucker standing by  

Emma running toward Casco with Tucker standing by  


Lola & Casco with Luke in tow

Henry hanging with Casco, Emma & Luke

Henry hanging with Casco, Emma & Luke