More Monday Fun in the Sun

Falmouth with Remy, Violet, Saltine, Casco, Beau & Lola

Saltine, Violet & Remy circle one another  

Saltine, Violet & Remy circle one another  

Remy stops to chew on a stick

Remy stops to chew on a stick

Casco headed for the rest of the crew

Casco headed for the rest of the crew

Saltine steals Remy's stick and Beau moves in to check it out  

Saltine steals Remy's stick and Beau moves in to check it out  

Casco chases Remy through the trees

Casco chases Remy through the trees

Violet stops to see where the others disappeared to  

Violet stops to see where the others disappeared to  

Saltine sprints through the woods  

Saltine sprints through the woods  

Lola heads toward Saltine & Remy on the trail  

Lola heads toward Saltine & Remy on the trail  

Violet herding, Remy running away

Violet herding, Remy running away

The crew heads up the snowy hill for home

The crew heads up the snowy hill for home