Tuesday Falmouth Foursome

With Lola, Emma, Casco & Luke

Lola & Emma playing chase on the trail  

Lola & Emma playing chase on the trail  

Casco & Luke exploring the leaves

Casco & Luke exploring the leaves

Emma trying to catch up with the crowd

Emma trying to catch up with the crowd

The whole gang exploring a bit off the trail  

The whole gang exploring a bit off the trail  

Lola & Emma climbing the hill

Lola & Emma climbing the hill

Lola jumping over a rock  

Lola jumping over a rock  

Lola & Emma head toward someone's back yard  

Lola & Emma head toward someone's back yard  

Casco & Luke try to catch up with Emma & Lola

Casco & Luke try to catch up with Emma & Lola

Lola detects a small woodland animal while the others stand in wait

Lola detects a small woodland animal while the others stand in wait