Tuesday Six Pack

Cumberland with CoCo, Saltine, Ina, Violet, Turbo & Sunny

CoCo at full speed

CoCo at full speed

Violet chases after the Labs  

Violet chases after the Labs  

Saltine jumping over some branches  

Saltine jumping over some branches  

CoCo & Ina headed in opposite directions

CoCo & Ina headed in opposite directions

Saltine & Sunny are Lab buddies

Saltine & Sunny are Lab buddies

Ina & Saltine facing off with CoCo, Violet & Turbo standing by

Ina & Saltine facing off with CoCo, Violet & Turbo standing by

Turbo & Saltine wrestle over a stick  

Turbo & Saltine wrestle over a stick  

Ina watching on

Ina watching on

Turbo bounding over the brush

Turbo bounding over the brush

Violet, Ina & CoCo following the Labs

Violet, Ina & CoCo following the Labs

Everyone headed for home  

Everyone headed for home