Friday called for some more beautiful weather and Bennie & Georgie were excited to get out today. We got off to a fast start to the Evergreen Cemetery, where we took a nice slow pace around the roads throughout. These two were happy to get out and enjoy the nice weather and we saw a few other dogs out walking with their owners in the cemetery. These two were on their best behavior for our stroll and we got in some exercise in the nice weather on this beautiful Friday at Kanine Kings.
Pleasant Portland Peninsula
My Friday started downtown on the peninsula with a good walk around the oldport with Max. We had some nice weather and plenty of sunshine for our little excursion this afternoon. Max was well behaved while we were out and saying hello to a couple friends on our journey. We squeezed in a little exercise when we got past One City Center and pushed straight on up the hill today next to the Cross Ins Arena to finish off our walk.
A nice time downtown with Max
Max and I had a pleasant walk around Monument Square to begin our time together today. We said hello to an enthusiastic friend on the way to explore One City Center. Max was happy to get out for some exercise and enjoy his favorite spot by his house. We enjoyed a few more sights and sounds to finish up our walk and get Max home to relax.
Exploring the Riverside with Abby and Bella
I picked up Abby and Bella first thing today for a trip to the Trolley park off Riverside St. We enjoyed a nice walk by the river for some exercise and exploring. Bella snuck a quick dip into the river once we finally got down the hill. The girls we well behaved and glad to explore the park for a little hike. We completed the big loop and returned to the parking lot to get them cleaned up and back home for the afternoon.
Splashing in the Grove in the Rain
To close out a busy day, Jay and I took a group of nine great pups to Fel's Grove in Yarmouth just as it began raining. We took Phoebe, Ruby, Nala, Roxy, Grace, Zoey, Henry, Saltine & Riley with a few tennis balls and a lot of puddles in the rain. We saw a couple other visitors along the way and this group welcomed them to play with them and chase the ball a bit. The rain didn't slow this group down and we all got in a lot of exercise at the grove before it was time to grab a few towels to dry off. We dried off a bit and warmed up in the car for our ride home in time to meet their owners when they arrived. It was a wet, but fun time with this energetic group at Kanine Kings.
More Fun with Finn
We also got in a visit with Finn today before the rain came. He was happy to get out in the yard and lap at the puddles, and then tried to play with his big brother Riley for a bit. Riley was a bit more receptive to his antics today and we ran around the back yard a bit. He was on his best behavior today and we headed in to eat some lunch. Finn ate his lunch in a rush before we had a few snacks then headed into his crate for an afternoon nap. It was another great day with Finn at Kanine Kings.
Scarborough Swimming Hole
Thursday called for some rain, but we were lucky to avoid it to start the day at the preserve in Scarborough. Ginger, Saltine, Maggie & Lola were excited to get out and run, immediately crossing the field into the woods. They slopped through some mud and grabbed a few tree branches that were way too large, until we approached the frog pond. Saltine was naturally the first one in and swam out a bit until the others joined. They splashed and played in and out of the water until it was time to move on down the trail. This group found all of the watering holes throughout the preserve and visited each one as they passed. We headed back to run a bit in the field to dry off, before we headed for home to towel down and get in before the rains came.
A warm stroll downtown with Max
Next up for this lovely day I had a midday jaunt planned with Max. We was anxious and ready to get outside to enjoy the nice weather. Everyone else had the same idea and was happy to feel some real spring-like weather today. Max gratuitously accepted some kind words while making a new friend in the oldport. We got some exercise when we were on Spring St and maybe even a little tan too. Max enjoyed another block or two before leading us back home to rest his paws.
A Beautiful Start with Bennie and Georgie
I had a gorgeous walk with Bennie and Georgie to get my day going. We enjoyed a nice walk through the neighborhood on the way to explore the Evergreen Cemetery. They said hello to one of the matinence guys as we entered the cemetery who was out to get a jump on the spring cleanup. Georgie and Bennie were well behaved and happy to get out for a little exercise on such a nice day. We returned to the front gate then their front door soon enough to let them relax a bit.
Six Pack in the Sun
To close out this beautiful Wednesday Jay and I took a trip to Fel's Grove with a pack of six great dogs. Saltine, Kaia, Macey, Henry, Tucker & Riley immediately found a tennis ball and were ready to run wild. We had the grove all to ourselves today and everyone was on their best behavior. We all got in a nice long run until this group was popped out and ready to go. We all had a blast and got a chance to enjoy this beautiful day before heading for home to greet their owners. It was a great way to spend another beautiful day at Kanine Kings.
Playtime with Finn
Next up for this busy, beautiful Wednesday was a trip to visit with Finn. He was excited to get out and get some fresh air, and play with any sticks or toys he found in the yard. He chased his big brother, Riley across the yard before we went in to have some lunch. Finn is getting bigger every day and it's exciting to see him get bigger and bigger. This was a great day to get out and work in the beautiful weather and spend some time with the puppy, and another great time at Kanine Kings.
Beautiful Wednesday Preserve Excursion
Wednesday called for some beautiful weather and a trip to the preserve in Scarborough for a stroll with four great dogs. Ginger, Remy, Maggie & Lola were excited to get out and go for a run today. We did not take any tennis balls to toss, because this group was happy to chase each other endlessly and play keep away with the sticks they came across. They tromped a bit in the mud and cleaned off most of the mud in the tall grass before we departed. We had the preserve all to ourselves for the afternoon, getting in a nice long run and lots of exercise, before we headed back home for a cold drink and an afternoon nap.
Forty Legged Race
To close out this busy day, Jason and I took a giant group to play some fetch at Fel's Grove in Yarmouth. The party was five Goldens; Nala, Henry, Roxy, Zoey & Grace with Phoebe, Lola, Ruby, Maggie & Godiva, and they were all having a blast. We had a few tennis balls to toss and they found their fair share of sticks and a few extra balls for the excitement. There was a bit of splashing and a lot of sunshine on this lovely day in the grove for this great group of pups. We had the place all to ourselves, and everyone was on their best behavior for the afternoon. This group left with more tennis balls than they arrived with, and filled the backseat floor with a cache for our next adventure. This was a great way to end a beautiful day at Kanine Kings.
Finn for the Win
Tuesday was also a day for a visit with Finn, and he seems to get bigger every time I see him. We got out to walk the neighborhood, and he was excited to chase some leaves around the yard and tried to get Riley to join in. We walked around for a bit before lunchtime, and he was excited to get started eating his meal today. He finished up his lunch before we went out again to do his business, then he came in and tried to play with his big brother for a bit. Riley wasn't too excited about the prospect, but tolerated his jumping for a bit before it was time to head to his crate to relax for the afternoon.
First Four at the Preserve
Tuesday called for some beautiful weather and we started in Scarborough at the preserve with four great pups. Ginger, Godiva, Lola & Riley were excited to get out today and enjoy the weather and everyone had a great time. We saw a few people with their children and their dog out enjoying the weather, and this group was happy to greet them. All four of them were on their best behavior for the afternoon and we all had a great time. It was a bit damp and muddy, but everyone managed to stay relatively clean and we all got out to enjoy this beautiful day. It was a great way to start another beautiful day at Kanine Kings.
A Sunny stroll with Max
I headed into Portland afterwards for a nice sunny walk downtown. Max was well behaved and pleased to get outside on such a pleasant afternoon. We soaked up the sunshine and sights around Monument Square, then did a little exploring when we got down by One City Center. We got some exercise and made another new friend on the way by the arena. Max enjoyed a bit more attention before we returned home and got him settled in to relax.
Four of the Nicest
My day started with four of the biggest sweethearts we have here at Kanine Kings. I picked up Maggie then Bella and Abby for an anxious ride up to see Tucker in Falmouth. They all leaped out of the back of the car when we arrived at the trail and sprinted down the road a short ways. Once we got into the woods things quieted down and we settled into a nice morning walk. Then Bella and Maggie began to play a little and did some running through the trees. They were on their best behavior as we made time to explore the lakeside and say hello to a neighbor. We completed our loop on time and got everyone home safely to relax.
Sudden flurry with Otto
My walk with Otto this morning began innocently enough but as soon as we turned the corner to the back bay we walked into a wall of snowflakes. It was pretty light at first but quickly picked up into a messy wintry mix of precipitation. Otto and I still had a good jaunt for some exercise and a little exploring of the boulevard. We got a little wet as we made our way through the flurries to return Otto home. He shook off the few snowflakes before we arrived then I left him inside to get cozy.
Lucky Seven at Fort Williams
The afternoon brought a surprise snow storm and that brought some more excitement with a great group of seven dogs at Fort Williams. Navy, Remy, Roxy, Zoey, Grace, Saltine & Ina were ready to chase some tennis balls and run in the field down by the waterfront. We saw a few other dogs out trying to enjoy the day before the snow came. It wasn't anything crazy, but not expected, but that didn't slow this crew down from running wild in the park. Everyone chased some balls and rolled in the fresh snow before they got a bit pooped out and ready to head for home. We all had a great time in a surprising snow storm at Fort Williams today with Kanine Kings.
Fun Foursome at the Preserve
Monday was scheduled to be a bit warm and nice but started a bit overcast for our trip to the preserve in Scarborough. Ginger, Lola, Saltine & Ina were ready to go when we got to the parking lot and sprinted off into the woods. They wrestled and played and had a blast, grabbing sticks and playing chase and tug of war all along the way. We had the preserve all to ourselves for the day and got in a lot of fun and exercise before it was time to head for home for the afternoon. We had a great start to another great week at Kanine Kings.