The weather was beautiful to start out Friday and we started with a trip to Pratt's Brook in Yarmouth with five great dogs. Lola, Summer, Harvey, Riley & Nala were excited to get out today to enjoy a run in the woods. We saw a few people as we entered the trails and these five were on their best behavior, happily greeting all of the kids visiting. We got close to the brook and a few of the dogs were ready to swim right away. They splashed and played until we moved on down the trial a bit, when they ran through the trees and trails wrestling. We found a few spots they were happy to swim in and everyone had a blast. Everyone got in a lot of exercise and was ready to head for home to relax and take an afternoon nap.
Five Alive in Falmouth
Last but not least for this busy Thursday, we took a trip to Falmouth for a stroll in the woods with five great dogs. Tucker, Bella, Abby, Lola & Riley were off and running as soon as we parked the car. They ran through a few puddles and chased each other into the woods and back onto the trail. There were a couple of swimmers today, while a couple others stood on the shore to watch, only daring to wade in a bit. This group played some tug of war with the sticks they found along the way, and were just as happy to play keep away when they pried the stick away. This group had a blast, running down the trails, into the woods, and splashing in the water, before we were ready to head for home. This group was on their best behavior for the afternoon, and made for a great way to end another beautiful Thursday at Kanine Kings.
A Great Visit with Finn
Thursday also called for a few visits with Finn for a walk around the neighborhood and some food. When we arrived he had made a bit of a mess in his crate, dumping some of his food everywhere. We quickly went outside and he was happy to stretch in the sunshine and took some time jumping on Riley before he got down to business. We went inside to pick up some of his food and refresh his bowl a bit. He had some bites and took a big drink of water, before we left him to finish his lunch. When we came back, he was even happier to see us, and we explored the yard a bit before walking around a bit of the neighborhood. He ultimately headed for home and was ready to take an afternoon nap in his crate.
Super Eight for St. Paddys Day
Thursday was St Patrick's Day and the weather was a welcomed change from yesterday's rain. We started at Fel's Grove in Yarmouth with a group of eight dogs. Henry, Phoebe, Summer, Ruby, Nala, Roxy, Grace & Zoey were excited to get out today and run like crazy. They found some balls to throw and then mostly wrestled in the puddles and played some chase. There were quite a few people out enjoying the day with their dogs, and this crew was on their best behavior for the day. They happily greeted all of the other visitors and welcomed the dogs to play their games. We all got in a lot of exercise and everyone got a bit wet, but nothing we couldn't towel off before this crew headed home or the day to relax in the sun. It was a great way to start out this busy Thursday at Kanine Kings.
Initiation For Emma
Wednesday also called for a visit for our newest member of the Kanine Kings family, Emma. She got a fast initiation to the group with five other high energy dogs at the preserve in Scarborough. Ginger, Lola, Remy, Saltine & Riley were happy to meet her today, and immediately welcomed her to the group. They ran and played in the field, until they discovered a few ponds along our path. The water really helped out after they all had rolled in the mud, and they were happy to go in the water, with a few even swimming out into the middle. This group got along really well and all got in a ton of playtime and exercise, in and out of the water. We came prepared with a few towels, so everyone could get home as good as new in time to greet their owner's arrival.
Midweek Fun with Finn
We were fortunate enough to visit with Finn a couple of times today at Kanine Kings, and he couldn't have been happier. We went outside when I arrived and he was excited to explore the neighborhood. He chased a few blowing leaves, and tried to get in some playtime with his big brother Riley before he was ready for some lunch. Today he had some lunch in his crate, and when we returned, he had eaten most of his food and the rest was on his mattress. He finished up his meal and we headed out one last time before we were on our way. Finn is a happy puppy and we are lucky to have him as one of our Kanine Kings.
First Four Fun at Pratt's Brook
Wednesday the rain had cleared and the forecast called for some nice spring weather. The day started with four great dogs at Pratt's Brook in Yarmouth. Kaia, Macey, Saltine & Nala were excited to get to Pratt's today and Saltine immediately found the first mud puddle and splashed through. These four played their way down the trail and got into the brook as soon as they could. They swam and played chase around the small ponds along the way also. We saw a few other people out with their dogs enjoying the day, and this group was happy to greet everyone they saw along the way. The weather was nice and everyone had a great day to start out this busy Wednesday at Kanine Kings.
Wet kisses from Max
For the lone single walk on this wet Tuesday i went out to the downtown peninsula to see Max. I got him ready to go and recieved my first wet kiss from Max right on the end of my nose. We reached the street and went right up Congress St to get a little exercise and make a new friend. Max and I enjoyed some of the sights on our jaunt around the arena. The rain had slowed to light shower for the remainder of our time and allowed us to finish our walk without getting much wetter. I got him cleaned up real quick, settled in to his warm bed and left him in peace.
Happy tails in West Falmouth
I began my day by picking up Maggie, Bella and Abby on the way up to see Tucker in Falmouth. The rain had already soaked the ground by the time we arrived at the trail for some exploring. Everyone was still happy and glad to be outside despite the weather. Tucker, Bella and Maggie enjoyed some play time together and found a few good sticks. Abby did a little exploring on her own and kept me company while the others ran about. We all had a nice time and I saw nothing but happy wagging tails for our wet walk through the woods.
Splashing Six Pack
Next up for this busy, rainy Tuesday was a trip to Fel's Grove in Yarmouth for a six pack of great dogs. Phoebe, Grace, Zoey, Roxy, Henry & Ruby found a few tennis balls and were happy to chase each other through the field and puddles. We had the grove all to ourselves for our run this afternoon, and this group was on their best behavior for our trip. We got in some exercise and everyone got quite wet and a bit muddy, before we headed for home. We toweled off the dogs and wiped away some of the excess mud, before leaving them to await their owners arrival later this afternoon. It was a great way to close out this rainy day at Kanine Kings.
Finn's Fun in the Rain
Tuesday called for a few visits to Finn and he was happy to get out, and didn't seem to mind the rain. We went outside when I arrived and he was happy to explore the wet lawn and puddles. He tried to play with Riley for a bit, before we did a few laps around the neighborhood. We had some lunch and he was excited to eat today. He finished up his meal, and we headed outside once again, before it was time to head back out into the rain. Finn is getting very big and it's exciting to see him grow up and develop his personality.
Four For Fun at the Preserve
The weather on Tuesday called for some rain, but that didn't slow down our first crew of the day at the preserve in Scarborough. Lola, Ginger, Riley & Nala were excited to get out today in the rain and play. They played chase through some trails and across some fields before Nala decided to take a swim in the frog pond. It didn't make much difference, because everyone got wet in this weather, and definitely enjoyed some splashing in the puddles that had accumulated. Despite the rainy weather, we all had a blast, and it was a great way to start out a rainy Tuesday at Kanine Kings.
A Monday session with Max
I had a good walk around the oldport this afternoon to see some sights with Max. We said hello to his neighbors and another friend when we were out and about downtown. Max and I enjoyed a little exercise and fresh air on the way through Monument Square then around One City Center too. We eventually returned home to get Max settled and comfy in his bed for an afternoon nap.
Field trip for Five in Falmouth
For my Monday afternoon I had a good group of five friendly dogs looking to run wild in the woods. I picked up Maddox and Lola then Koda and Mya on the way up to visit Tucker in West Falmouth. These 5 were on their best behavior and excited to set off out into the forest. Lola, Koda and Maddox couldn't wait to start up a fun game of chase and hide n seek through the trees. Mya and Tucker kind of hung out together and did their own thing while keeping the pace and leading the way. We made a little pitstop for a cool drink of water from the creek and to try to get some of the mud off their paws. I couldn't keep them calm for long though, and we were soon heading back torwards the car. They played a bit more on the trail before we saw the surprisingly frozen over ice pack sitting in one of the marsh areas. I dared the first couple of steps to make sure it was safe before letting the dogs join me. They enjoyed the ice and got a bit rambunctious again before we decided to call it a day and get everyone home to relax.
Lucky Seven at the Scarborough Preserve
Next up for this chilly Monday was a trip Scarborough to the preserve with seven great dogs. Ginger, Remy, Grace, Zoey, Roxy, Luke & Saltine were ready to run from the moment we parked and sprang out onto the trails. Zoey & Grace were spry today and alternated chasing each other when they couldn't find a tennis ball. Luke & Remy were fast friends, and played and wrestled their way across the field. Ginger, Saltine & Roxy were the highest energy of the group and got into some serious wrestling. We managed to stay in the field and avoid the ponds nearby, so nobody would have frozen fur at the end of the day. This group had a blast and everyone was on their best behavior today. The forecast called for some rain today but we were lucky to miss it today and everyone had another great day at Kanine Kings.
First Five Sloppy Start
The weather was a bit chilly to start the week and we started in Yarmouth with a great group of five pups. Henry, Lola, Saltine, Maddox & Nala were ready to run when we got to Fel's Grove and met a few other dogs out enjoying the day. This group got along great and alternated between chasing the balls, chasing each other and venturing off the trail into the mud. This group was on their best behavior for the day and got in a lot of exercise and playtime before it was time to head home. This group was a bit muddy, but nothing we couldn't handle with a little water and a few towels. This was a great start to another great week at Kanine Kings.
Quick trip with Bennie and Georgie
Today I started off with a nice walk through the neighborhood to do a little loop around the cemetery with Bennie and Georgie. They were glad to see me and ready to head out into the neighborhood for some exercise. We had a pleasant walk to reach the Evergreen Cemetery for some fresh air and a quick exploration loop. Bennie and Georgie were well behaved while we worked our way back through the side streets to drop them off at home.
Friday Fun With Finn
Friday also called for a couple of visits with the puppy, Finn. He is getting bigger every day and was excited to get out today to play with his big brother Riley. Riley let him jump up on his back and played along for a bit until we did some laps around the neighborhood and Finn finished his business. We went in to grab some lunch, and he was excited to eat today and finished every last bite. Finn and Riley were on their best behavior for the afternoon and they were a great group to close out this busy, beautiful Friday at Kanine Kings.
The Fun-Filled Five
I had a fantastic group walk for my Friday afternoon in Falmouth. Lola, Maggie, Koda and Mya made the short car ride upto Tucker's with me and to get to the trails. It was a very picturesque walk through the woods today the way the sun was coming through the trees. Maggie, Lola and Koda ran tirelessly through the woods and big puddles since the thick ice is finally starting to melt. These five get along great and had alot of playtime and exercise this afternoon. We didn't get dirty today but everyone was nice 'n' wet when we reached the end of the trip. I toweled them off and dropped Tucker off at home before heading back to Portland.
Friday Five at Fel's Grove
Next up for this beautiful Friday was a trip to Yarmouth for a trip to Fel's Grove with five great dogs. Grace, Zoey, Roxy, Nala & Riley were excited to get out today and splash around in the newly melted grove. The warm weather has melted all of the snow and left a lot of puddles for this group to splash around in as they chased some tennis balls as well as one another. We had the grove all to ourselves on this beautiful Friday afternoon and everyone chased the tennis balls until they were pooped out for the day. They rolled around in some puddles to cool down, then we toweled off a bit before riding home with the windows down and the wind drying everyone before we arrived home. It was a great way to spend a beautiful Friday afternoon at Kanine Kings.