Today was a great day to take Finn for a play date with his big brother Riley and some new pals. Ginger, Ina & Tucker joined the group, and they were excited to get out and run. Finn wasn't shy, and joined right into thier game of chase, tumbling in the grass as he went. Tucker led the way to the pond and waded in a bit, before Ginger and Ina joined in. Riley kept an eye on the little one, in between runs into the woods for a quick look around. We met another puppy and their owners out enjoying the beautiful weather. This group had a great time and everyone was on their best behavior while we got in a lot of play time on this beautiful Wednesday afternoon at Kanine Kings.
Poodle Madness at Ft. Williams
I had a car full of poodles when I arrived to pickup Godiva for our walk today. Lola, Emma and Remy were happy to see her and ready to get to the fort to begin their walk. It was a beautifully sunny and picturesque day to be by the oceanside and explore the dog park. They were all well behaved and had plenty of other dogs to make friends and play with today. Remy, Emma and Lola would jet off and take turns leading in a game of chase around the big soccer field. We all had a great time soaking in all the sunshine and making a few new friends while we were there. Godiva started heading to the parking lot with one of her new friends so we all regrouped and followed suit to get loaded up for our trip back home for the afternoon.
Taking Over at Quarry Run
We closed out this busy day at Kanine Kings with a trip to Quarry Run dog park with a giant group of dogs ready to play. Grace, Roxy, Phoebe, Henry, Ruby, Ina, Tucker, Saltine, Riley & Finn made a massive play date at the dog park and made for more than half the dogs there. They made friends with all of the other dogs there playing and let them play their games of fetch or chased one another all around the park. We had a flash rainstorm hit while we were there, but nothing slowed this group down. Everyone was on their best behavior for the afternoon and got in a lot of fun and tons of exercise along the way. We didn't let a little rain deter us from having a great time and everyone got in their exercise before we headed for home for the afternoon to kick back and relax. It was a great way to close out a busy day at Kanine Kings.
Introducing: Casco, Puppy Play Date
Tuesday called for some late showers and a busy day of walks at Kanine Kings. Lola, Emma & Lola were happy to visit with our newest addition, Casco. We had acres of woods to explore nearby and Casco knew his way around the trails, leading the way. He was a bit overwhelmed by the other three running and playing, making a ruckus, but eventually got himself involved with the fun. They took turns chasing one another, and playing tug of war with sticks they found along the way. By the time we got back, Casco was running and playing with the rest, having a blast. We managed to avoid the rain, but everyone still got a bit wet running through any giant puddles they could find. We had the trails all to ourselves and everyone was on their best behavior, happily welcoming their newest friend.
Kids being kids...
Pratt's Brook Playtime, Take 2
Monday's fun continued with a trip to Pratt's Brook with four great pups. Violet, Ina, Kaia & Macey were excited to get out today and enjoy the warm weather in the sunshine. We saw a few other dogs out enjoying the day and this group could not have been more well behaved. They had a ton of energy and spent a lot of time playing chase in and out of the woods and down the trails. They splashed a bit in the nearby brook, but everyone had mostly air dried by the time we got back to the car. We dusted off some of to loose dirt and toweled off a bit before our nice breezy ride home with all the windows down. Everyone was happy to get home to spend the afternoon relaxing with a nap in the sunshine.
Playtime at Pratt's Brook
I had a rambunctious group of dogs for this edition of my Patriots Day afternoon. Koda, Mya, Remy, Lola and Ruby were full of energy today and so excited they started their play date as soon as they got into the car. They were well behaved, respectful and anxious to set off on the trail to run free and explore. Lola, Remy and Koda are all high energy pups and right around the same age too, so they played constantly together. Ruby joined in and enjoyed running around with them to get some exercise. Mya, Ruby and I all watched as the rest of the group jumped at the chance to cool off and play a bit in the creek. We enjoyed a pleasant stroll back through the woods to the car so I could clean up the "kids" and get them home to enjoy the rest of their afternoon.
Finn Makes Pals for Some Friday Fun
Friday was also a great day for a visit with Finn. When we arrived he was excited to get out and play a bit, but was overjoyed to make a new pal. Violet was also excited to meet the puppy and they romped around in the yard, wrestling and playing in the grass. They ran around a bit while Riley and I watched on before Finn was ready for some lunch. We headed inside for his lunch and left him to take a stroll at the park. When we returned he'd eaten every last morsel and we headed back outside for some playtime in the sun. He, Violet and Riley had a blast and got in a bit more playtime before we left Riley & Finn with a few snacks and headed home to relax for the weekend. It was a great way to close out another great week at Kanine Kings.
Tremendous Trio at Quarry Run
Friday called for some beautiful weather and sunshine and we started with a great group at Quarry Run dog park in Portland. Violet, Lola & Riley were happy to get out and about today and were ready to play when we arrived. There were quite a few other dogs with their owners out enjoying the weather and this group made some fast friends. They joined a game of fetch and Lola played some keep away until she got bored of it and dropped the ball. She then let Violet chase her in circles through the woods and returned he favor. Riley explored the woods looking for some birds and coming back to check in on the group. We had some beautiful weather to enjoy and everyone was on their best behavior, getting in a lot of exercise and enjoyment before we headed home for the weekend.
Happy Trio on Little John
I took Tucker, Ruby and Henry all the way out to the islands off Yarmouth for a very pleasant walk through part of the Royal River Preserve this afternoon. Tucker and Henry took turns leading the way with Ruby and I tagging along. We had a joyous time exploring our way out to the point to enjoy the scenery. Henry lead the three of them down to the beach to dip their paws in the ocean and clean up some. It was a bit windy on the trip back but it was still plenty warm from all the sunshine. I towled off their wet paws and got them home safely to enjoy the rest of their Friday afternoon.
Super Eight at Fel's Grove
To close out this busy Thursday at Kanine Kings we took a trip to Fel's Grove in Yarmouth with a group of eight great pups. Phoebe, Ruby, Saltine and the Golden Retriever crew, Henry, Nala, Grace, Roxy & Zoey were all about the tennis balls today. We had a few new canisters to toss around and this group was non stop for our visit. They gave chase to the ball then one another after one of them retrieved it. We managed to stay mostly dry today and everyone got in a lot of running and exercise. We didn't see another visitor to the grove today and these eight had the place all to themselves, taking full advantage and having a great time. We made a few last throws before we packed everyone up. We took a short ride back home to leave these pups exhausted and ready to unwind with an afternoon nap.
Play Date for Finn
Thursday was also a great to for a visit with Finn. He was happy to get out and enjoy the sunshine and got a chance to meet Saltine again and have some play time in the yard. They ran circles around each other for a bit, and play bowed until Finn's curiosity got the best of him and he pursued Saltine as she ran quickly our of his reach. They did this for a while then wrestled on the grass for a bit before Finn was ready for some lunch. He ate every last bit of his meal before we headed back out for a quick break. Finn had a great day and it was a great way to spend a beautiful Thursday at Kanine Kings.
Swimming & Splashing in Scarborough
Thursday called for some nice weather and we started in Scarborough with a high energy group at the nature preserve. Ginger, Lola, Saltine, Riley & Godiva were excited to get out today and run in the field. When Saltine realized there was water nearby, she led the group for a swim. They pulled a giant branch out of the pond and alternated between chewing the stick and playing tug of war. They ran back to the pond and did a bit more swimming before we explored a few of the many trails on the preserve. We had the place all to ourselves today and everyone was on their best behavior for the trip. It was a great way to spend a beautiful spring Thursday at Kanine Kings.
Trio at Pratt's Brook
The afternoon warmed up a bit, making for some perfect weather for a trip to Pratt's Brook in Yarmouth with a trio of great pups. Kaia, Macey & Tucker were excited to get out and run in the woods today. Despite their age differences, these three get along great and had a blast chasing each other in the woods and playing tug of war with anything they could find in the woods. We had the trails all to ourselves today and we ran into a few people playing frisbee golf and these three greeted them happily. Tucker did a bit of swimming, while Kaia and Macey just waded in a bit, not daring to jump in over their paws. It was a beautiful spring afternoon and it was a great time for everyone. Pratt's Brook made for a great way to end another Wednesday at Kanine Kings.
High Energy Romp in Scarborough
The weather on Wednesday called for clear skies and some sunshine. It was a bit chilly, but mostly great weather for a run at the preserve in Scarborough with five great dogs. Ginger, Remy, Emma, Lola & Godiva were a high energy group and started out quickly down the trails and into the woods. They wrestled and played as they went, rolling in the grass and jumping on each other. Godiva mostly explored the area and sniffed out the scents of the local wildlife. We saw a few other people out enjoying the day with their dogs and this group couldn't have been better behaved. We managed to avoid any swimming today, because it was a bit too cold, but everyone had a great day and got in a ton of running. It was a great group to start out another beautiful Wednesday at Kanine Kings.
Sunbathing with Finn
Finn is growing up quickly these days but is still stretching out of his puppy shape. He got to run and play for a minute with Riley, then he discovered a tasty stick to chew on in the grass. We explored some of the yard but Finn was content stretching out as far as he could and rolling around chewing on the stick he found.
Fetchin' at Fel's
This afternoon I had a nice, sunny walk around the grove with Riley, Grace, Roxy and Zoe. I played some fetch with the girls while Riley roamed about in search of any bird in the area. We had a pleasant walk around the trail and got in some cardio while playing fetch. Riley rejoined the pack for a short break to sit in the field and enjoy the sun's rays with us. I threw a few more balls for the girls to chase after before eventually returning to the parking lot. Everyone found a comfortable spot in the back seat then we hit the road to get them home to relax.
Quick dip on Little John
I had 5 friendly retrievers this afternoon for a wet and fun trip on the islands off of Yarmouth. Tucker, Henry, Zoe, Grace and Roxy are all good friends and happy to have such good company for a walk together. We explored the new clearing some then took to the trail to play and get a little exercise. Tucker, Roxy and Henry started up a game of chase and got to rough housing before we arrived out on the point. After we rounded the point Zoe and Grace lead the way down to the beach to get cleaned up and go for a little swim. We got back on the muddy trail then had a nice relaxing walk back to the car to finish off our workout. I got everyone dried off some and loaded up for the return ride back home.
Wet and Wild at Pratt's Brook
The rain continued as the day went on, but we still had a great time heading to Pratt's Brook in Yarmouth with five great dogs. Phoebe, Ruby, Nala, Riley & Saltine were excited to get to the brook today and do some swimming. They ran a bit in the field, until they realized how close the water was and made a break for it to go swimming. Saltine and Nala were the first in the brook and swam out to retrieve a few sticks. Ruby, Phoebe & Riley were happy to follow them and they did some wrestling in the water and rolled in some mud. We saw a few other dogs out running the trails, and this group couldn't have been better behaved. Everyone was on their best behavior for the afternoon, and did a lot of swimming and running in the muck. We didn't let the water slow down our fun today, and everyone needed to take one last dip in the brook to clean off the mud before we headed back home for the afternoon to dry out and relax. It was a great way to spend a rainy Tuesday at Kanine Kings.
Fun in the Rain with Finn
Tuesday was also a great day to visit with Finn a few times to tend to him. We headed outside when we arrived and he was much more excited about the rain today than he typically is. He drank from the bird bath and ran around the yard with a stick, trying to entice Riley to join his game. Riley wasn't very playful, but that didn't stop Finn from having a blast by himself, throwing the stick in the air to retrieve it himself. We went inside for a snack and he relaxed while Riley went for a stroll with the group. When we came back, he was ready to head back outside. The rain had let up and he was excited to go for a stroll around the neighborhood one last time before we left him in his crate with a few snacks to relax for the afternoon.