Six Pack at Fort Williams

Cape Elizabeth with Lola, Mudbug, Luke, Godiva, Riley & Finn

Oceanside view

Oceanside view

Lola & Mudbug resting in the shade  

Lola & Mudbug resting in the shade  

Godiva & Luke on the field  

Godiva & Luke on the field  

Finn exploring the woods  

Finn exploring the woods  

Riley returning for a visit  

Riley returning for a visit  

Finn & Riley running as Lola chases

Finn & Riley running as Lola chases



Lola & Finn prancing in the field  

Lola & Finn prancing in the field  

Caught in the brush

Caught in the brush

Luke waiting for a drink  

Luke waiting for a drink  

Lola & Finn on a water break

Lola & Finn on a water break

Godiva & Luke headed home

Godiva & Luke headed home

A Fetching Foursome at Fel's Grove

Champ, Henry, Grace and Roxy made up my 4-pack for a nice cool afternoon walk around Fel's Grove. 

Gracie, Champ, Roxy and Henry ready for a little hike and fetch. 


All of these dogs got along great and love to race after the ball


Henry and Roxy rough housing on the trail. 


The happy gang retrieving the ball.


Henry, Grace, Champ and Roxy found a cool spot in the shade. 


Champ on Grace's heels with Roxy and Henry close behind. 


Close up of the happy bunch. 

2 Pair at the Quarry

We had a fun 4-pack planned this afternoon at the Quarry Run dog park in Portland with Riley, Finn, Saltine and Ina.


The pack making friends and playing with sticks.


Saltine, Ina and Finn chasing after their new puppy pal


Riley taking a break from seeking birds to say Hi.


Ina and Finn upto no good.


Ina looking to snatch the stick away from Saltine. 


Finn, Saltine and Ina relaxing in the shade.


Ina and Finn hot on the puppies tail.


Saltine with her new little friend

Fun Five on LittleJohn

Yarmouth with Emma, Kaia, Macey, Grace & Roxy

Grace & Emma ready for fun

Grace & Emma ready for fun

Headed toward the beach

Headed toward the beach

Kaia headed downhill  

Kaia headed downhill  

Roxy back from the beach

Roxy back from the beach

Grace & Macey exploring in the woods

Grace & Macey exploring in the woods

Emma rushing around the bend

Emma rushing around the bend

Grace taking a dip in the ocean

Grace taking a dip in the ocean

Chasing wildlife in the tide pool  

Chasing wildlife in the tide pool  

Kaia & Roxy tracking a squirrel  

Kaia & Roxy tracking a squirrel  

Emma & Roxy headed for home

Emma & Roxy headed for home

Splish-Splash at Pratt's

It was a great afternoon to visit Pratt's Brook with Nala, Ruby, Ina, Mudbug and Saltine. 


The afternoon crew enjoying the abundant sunshine before heading into the woods.


Nala just ahead leading us on a hike to find a swimming hole. 


Mudbug and Saltine playing with a stick.


Nala dove right in to cool off while the others have a refreshing drink of water. 


Ina and Mudbug look on as Nala and Saltine fetch a stick. 


Ruby trying not to get too wet navigating the brook. 


Mudbug getting the hang of this whole swimming thing.


Ina looks on as Saltine enjoys a moment of pure bliss.


Ruby and Mudbug not quite sure what to make of Saltine charging towards us.


Picture perfect way to end our walk.

Friday's Starting Five

Scarborough Preserve with Ginger, Saltine, Mudbug, Finn & Riley

Finn & Ginger off the trail

Finn & Ginger off the trail

Mudbug watching the chase

Mudbug watching the chase

Riley & Finn being buddies

Riley & Finn being buddies

Saltine on the move.....

Saltine on the move..... the pond the pond

Riley cooling down in the pond

Riley cooling down in the pond

Everyone in!! 

Everyone in!! 

The chase is on! 

The chase is on! 

Ginger visiting Riley

Ginger visiting Riley

Mudbug & Saltine taking a dip

Mudbug & Saltine taking a dip

Ginger leaping Finn as she eludes Mudbug

Ginger leaping Finn as she eludes Mudbug

Saltine creeping behind a bush  

Saltine creeping behind a bush  

Beach Day on Little John


Champ, Phoebe, Roxy, Henry, Grace and Mudbug in the shadows ready for a little hike to the beach. 


Roxy chasing after Champ. 


Henry, Roxy, Champ and Mudbug playing on the trail. 

The happy crew testing out the waters. 

 "Look at what we found!" says Grace and Champ. 


Playing a little fetch with everyone and Mudbug learning how to swim in the deep end.


Champ leading the pack in a game of chase the next swimming hole.


All 6 swimmers happy and cooled down exploring the field.


Back in the heat of the sun to dry off some before returning home to relax. 

Running Wild at the Preserve


Remy, Lola, Ginger and Mudbug checking out the field before hitting the trail. 


This crew loves to play tug o' war and chew on sticks together. 


Remy, Mudbug and Ginger chasing down Lola by the pond


Ginger ready to pounce!


Lola, Mudbug and Remy playing in the field


Mudbug, Remy and Lola sprinting through the grass and enjoying the sunshine. 


Ginger rolling around being silly

Beach Time at LittleJohn

Yarmouth with Phoebe, Grace, Henry, Champ, Roxy & Saltine (the birthday girl!)

Down on the rocks  

Down on the rocks  

Phoebe at full speed  

Phoebe at full speed  

Roxy checking in

Roxy checking in

Saltine, Roxy & Champ headed to the trail  

Saltine, Roxy & Champ headed to the trail  

Grace & Saltine

Grace & Saltine

Saltine & Roxy are pals  

Saltine & Roxy are pals  

Champ :) 

Champ :) 

Henry coming back from the beach  

Henry coming back from the beach  

Phoebe leading the charge  

Phoebe leading the charge  

Champ & Roxy love to chase

Champ & Roxy love to chase

A rainy afternoon on the beach

A rainy afternoon on the beach



Coming back from their swim

Coming back from their swim

Headed for home

Headed for home

Rainy Stroll in the Woods

Falmouth with Casco, Finn, Lola, Saltine, Tucker & Riley  

Riley & Casco watching their buddies

Riley & Casco watching their buddies

Headed for a place to splash around  

Headed for a place to splash around  

A blur of Saltine & Lola

A blur of Saltine & Lola

Tucker & Riley bringing up the rear  

Tucker & Riley bringing up the rear  

Riley & Finn :) 

Riley & Finn :) 

Saltine & Tucker

Saltine & Tucker

Lola, covered in mud with her giant stick

Lola, covered in mud with her giant stick

Casco :) 

Casco :) 

Riley, Finn & Tucker

Riley, Finn & Tucker

Casco watching Saltine & Lola emerge from the mud

Casco watching Saltine & Lola emerge from the mud

Headed down the trail  

Headed down the trail  

Lola & Saltine playing nice with Finn

Lola & Saltine playing nice with Finn

Happy tails at the Scarborough Preserve

My Tuesday began with a fun group of 5 for a little hike around the Preserve. 


Godiva, Ginger, Maggie, Mudbug and Luke taking in the fresh smells of the wet spring grass


Mudbug, Ginger and Maggie running through the trees


On the trail with Luke, Mudbug, Ginger and Maggie


Ginger, Mudbug, Maggie and Godiva having fun by the pond


Mudbug in 1st

Maggie in 2nd

Ginger in 3rd


Luke joining in chase