7 in Pratt's Heaven

I had a blast with Roxy, Grace, Henry, Ruby, Phoebe, Saltine and Ina this afternoon for a little hiking and swimming.  


The happy pack of 7 ready to hit the trails


Of course Gracie brought a ball along while Roxy and Saltine begin to play beside her on the trail. 


It wasn't long before we found ourselves at swimming hole #1 for a quick dip.


A hop, skip and a jump later we were enjoying some fetch at hole #2

At the last swim stop of the day Phoebe decided to venture in and get wet with Ina.

We finished our walk soaking in the sunshine in the field to play and roll in the grass a little before heading home.


The Quarry Run 6ers

We had a hot start in the park with Tucker, Maggie, Ina, Saltine, Riley and Lola to get the ball rolling today. 


Lola found her puppy friend to play with again while Saltine, Ina, Maggie and Riley say hello.  


Ina, Lola and Saltine running and playing. 


Maggie, Tucker and Ina taking a break in the shade. 

Everyone but Riley joined in for a game of fetch. 

Typical Saltine hanging out with Maggie and Lola. 


Riley, Lola, Tucker and Ina catching their breathe. 

A Lazy Afternoon in the Park

I had a rather leisurely trip to the Quarry Run dog park this afternoon with Beau, Remy, Lola, Ina and Saltine. 


Here we are entering the park before a quick hike.


The sun was strong this afternoon but that didn't keep Remy from getting everyone to chase him for a couple laps.


Ina's in full stride trying to catch up to Remy.


Ina awaits patiently for Beau to return with the ball. 

Quick break with Ina, Saltine and Lola

Everyone took plenty of time to rest in the shade of the trees while Beau gets a drink of water. 


No group walk is complete without finding at least one good stick to chew on and share with friends. 

Picture Perfect Start

To kick off this week I had a fun pack of 4 at Fel's Grove on this beautiful Monday morning.


With Grace, Ina, Saltine and Roxy


We played some fetch in the field


and rolled around in the tall grass.


Here Saltine is waiting to pounce and play once they retrieve the ball


The happy fetchin' foursome


Roxy and Grace waiting to chase down the tennis ball. 


While Ina and Saltine take a 20 second timeout

Seven Lucky Swimmers

I got to spend this gorgeous afternoon in Yarmouth at Pratt's Brook with Ruby, Saltine, Phoebe, Champ, Henry, Grace and Roxy. 


Here's the lucky 7 enjoying the trail before reaching the brook.


Grace is trying to get me to throw the ball to her while the others explore just ahead. 


Swimming stop #1 on our loop through the woods. 


Champ leading Phoebe, Grace and Ruby up from the brook and back on the trail. 


Playing a little fetch at swimming hole #2


Grace, Roxy and Champ begging for me to throw the ball again while Ruby looks on and Saltine chews on a stick.


Only the good swimmers braved to chase the ball into the deep waters.


Finally some fetch in field to dry off and tucker them out. 


Champ got the pack running and playing through the tall grass before we headed for home. 

A Fun Foursome at the Park

Today I started off my day with Saltine, Lola, Beau and Riley at the Quarry Run dog park. 


Beau, Saltine and Lola taking a break from playing fetch....


While Riley takes off after a bird.


Lola and Saltine fighting over a stick. 


Here's Lola playing with her new little friend. 


Riley making his way back to the pack to check in and grab some water.

The happy trio having fun playing fetch together. 

Lola and Saltine plotting how to get the ball away from Beau.

Happy Tails on Little John

We had a great afternoon to visit the islands off the coast of Yarmouth with Saltine, Tucker, Kaia, Macey, Grace and Roxy


The afternoon 6-pack ready to enter the preserve. 


Tucker leading the way to the trailhead. 


Saltine taking a minute to lead the pack through the shade of the trees.


Of course they couldn't resist a little playtime on the beach and cool down splashing in the ocean. 


Macey way upfront scouting the way for us to return to the parking lot to dry off then head home to enjoy the rest of the afternoon

Crazed Poodles at Quarry Run

We had a nice morning to get the day started at the dog park with Emma, Remy, Lola, Saltine and Riley. 


Emma, Remy, Lola and Saltine look on to the new comers making their way up the hill.


Everyone trying to keep up with Riley on the trail.


Saltine, Lola, Remy and Emma running wild


Lola and Saltine playing tug o' war.


The Kanine Kings crew saying Hi and making new friends.


Packin' em in: The Quarry Run Takeover


Starring Mya(in the front), Tucker, Lola, Koda, Riley and Saltine


The morning 6-pack getting ready for a little hike before play time. 


Riley and Mya hiking up the hill


With Tucker, Koda, Lola and Saltine following closely behind. 


Lola and Saltine breaking in the new rope toy while Tucker looks on


Saltine, Tucker, and Lola and their new friend waiting for me to throw the tennis ball


Koda, Lola, Saltine and Tucker greeting the newcomers. 


Riley joining the gang for a drink before getting ready to head home for the afternoon. 

Five Fliers at Fel's Grove

Yarmouth with Calvin, Bo, Nala, Lola & Henry

Nala, Henry & Bo, the wet retrievers  

Nala, Henry & Bo, the wet retrievers  

Headed down the trail to the brook

Headed down the trail to the brook

Calvin headed down the hill  

Calvin headed down the hill  

Lola leading the charge  

Lola leading the charge  

Bo & Calvin playing chase

Bo & Calvin playing chase

Henry & Nala on the move

Henry & Nala on the move

Shady dip in the brook

Shady dip in the brook

Goldens watching the other pups play in the water

Goldens watching the other pups play in the water

Calvin, Nala & Henry headed down the trail  

Calvin, Nala & Henry headed down the trail  

Nala hiding out

Nala hiding out

Sprinting down the trail

Sprinting down the trail

Heading back for home

Heading back for home

Six Super Pups

Falmouth with Casco, Roxy, Phoebe, Grace, Lola & Ruby

Grace, Phoebe, Roxy & Lola covered in muck

Grace, Phoebe, Roxy & Lola covered in muck

Ruby, Casco & Lola headed down the trail  

Ruby, Casco & Lola headed down the trail  

Lola, Casco & Ruby chasing each other through the trees

Lola, Casco & Ruby chasing each other through the trees

Swimming hole  

Swimming hole  

Ruby & Phoebe facing off as Casco watches on

Ruby & Phoebe facing off as Casco watches on

Casco, Phoebe & Roxy

Casco, Phoebe & Roxy

Phoebe & Ruby wrestling  

Phoebe & Ruby wrestling  

Phoebe checking out her new pal Casco

Phoebe checking out her new pal Casco

Making friends  

Making friends  

Starting the Week Strong at Quarry Run

Portland with Saltine, Lola, Ina & Henry

Saltine & Ina wrestling over a stick, with Lola close behind

Saltine & Ina wrestling over a stick, with Lola close behind

Henry is a happy boy

Henry is a happy boy

Saltine is always smiling 

Saltine is always smiling 

Lola comes out of the pack with a stick (for now)

Lola comes out of the pack with a stick (for now)

The battle for the stick continues

The battle for the stick continues

Henry exploring the outskirts of the park

Henry exploring the outskirts of the park

Lola with her stick as her new friend watches on

Lola with her stick as her new friend watches on

Lola & Ina wrestling

Lola & Ina wrestling

Finally some stick for everyone

Finally some stick for everyone


Saltine with Ina close behind

A Quiet trip to the Quarry

It was pretty quiet when I arrived at the dog park around lunchtime for a walk with Lola and Mudbug today. 


Lola stopping to smell the flowers as we entered the park. 


Since it was so quiet this afternoon we took the trail to the big loop out back to entertain ourselves for awhile.  


Mudbug with Lola closely behind in the tall grass.


Lola teasing Mudbug in a game of chase. 


They both really enjoyed themselves playing and rolling around in the high grass.


Mudbug and Lola getting a few more frolic's in before cleaning up to head home.


A Fun Pair at Ft Williams

It was a nice and quiet morning for a trip by the ocean with Godiva and Mudbug


Godiva leading the way into the park.


Mudbug and Godiva doing a little exploring


The cute pair getting in a little playtime. 


Godiva taking in the sights and smells of the sea.


A cool drink of water before heading upto the field. 


Mudbug ready for action while Godiva makes up her mind


Mudbug stealing sticks and causing trouble with his new friends