Friday Five at Fel's Grove

Yarmouth with Maggie, Henry, Roxy, Leo & Hank

Leo & Henry facing off  

Leo & Henry facing off  

Roxy & Leo sprinting down the trail  

Roxy & Leo sprinting down the trail  

Maggie & Henry splashing across the brook  

Maggie & Henry splashing across the brook  

Hank strolling down the trail  

Hank strolling down the trail  

Maggie initiating some play time  

Maggie initiating some play time  

Headed over the bridge

Headed over the bridge

Leading the way through the woods

Leading the way through the woods

Maggie & Hank heading after the others  

Maggie & Hank heading after the others  

Roxy & Henry running through the water  

Roxy & Henry running through the water  

Maggie swimming, Henry likes to wade

Maggie swimming, Henry likes to wade

Happy tails down the trail  

Happy tails down the trail  

Maggie leading the way  

Maggie leading the way  

Heading for home  

Heading for home  

Fort Williams Five

Cape Elizabeth with Calvin, Lola, Luke, Saltine & Violet

Calvin chasing Saltine

Calvin chasing Saltine

Lola and Saltine mid sprint

Lola and Saltine mid sprint

Calvin & Luke hatching a scheme

Calvin & Luke hatching a scheme

Saltine headed down stairs

Saltine headed down stairs

A foursome of sprinters

A foursome of sprinters

Calvin with a head of steam

Calvin with a head of steam

This was shortly after scoring some chips at a picnic  

This was shortly after scoring some chips at a picnic  

Luke running around the picnic table  

Luke running around the picnic table  

Lola did not land on her face somehow

Lola did not land on her face somehow

Headed back to the car

Headed back to the car

Saltine hogging the water bowl

Saltine hogging the water bowl

Calvin hogging the water bowl

Calvin hogging the water bowl

Saltine stopping for a rest  

Saltine stopping for a rest  

Thursday Starting Five at Quarry Run

Portland with Saltine, Violet, Bo, Finn & Riley

Finn and Saltine playing tag

Finn and Saltine playing tag

Bo headed for a tennis ball

Bo headed for a tennis ball

A jumble of dogs greeting each other on the hill

A jumble of dogs greeting each other on the hill

Violet looking for a play mate

Violet looking for a play mate

Riley making an appearance  

Riley making an appearance  

Saltine heading for a drink of water  

Saltine heading for a drink of water  

Bo running in my shadow

Bo running in my shadow

The group greeting a newcomer  

The group greeting a newcomer  

Finn looking to make some friends  

Finn looking to make some friends  

Bo and Saltine headed for a ball

Bo and Saltine headed for a ball

New Crew at Fort Williams

Take Two with Emma, Lola, Remy, Ina & Violet

Playing in the shadow of the lighthouse  

Playing in the shadow of the lighthouse  

Lola & Emma stopping for a drink

Lola & Emma stopping for a drink

Emma with her new accessory, Remy with his new haircut  

Emma with her new accessory, Remy with his new haircut  

Ina, mid flight landing on Remy and Lola

Ina, mid flight landing on Remy and Lola

Everyone stopping for a water break  

Everyone stopping for a water break  

Wrestling in the grass

Wrestling in the grass

Remy running away while Emma chases

Remy running away while Emma chases

Lola & Emma disturbing the herding dogs

Lola & Emma disturbing the herding dogs

Ina and Violet keeping everyone in line

Ina and Violet keeping everyone in line

Sprints across the field  

Sprints across the field  

A brief rest before heading back to play  

A brief rest before heading back to play  

Cape Elizabeth with Henry, Violet, Ina, Riley & Finn  

Henry rolling in the grass  

Henry rolling in the grass  

Ina & Violet considering their options  

Ina & Violet considering their options  

Riley hopping off a stone wall

Riley hopping off a stone wall

Finn strolling across the field

Finn strolling across the field

Ina & Henry exploring the territory  

Ina & Henry exploring the territory  

Ina & Henry headed into the woods with Finn looking on

Ina & Henry headed into the woods with Finn looking on

Violet & Ina playing chase  

Violet & Ina playing chase  

The boys, Henry, Riley & Finn stopping for a drink  

The boys, Henry, Riley & Finn stopping for a drink  

These three are on the hunt for something

These three are on the hunt for something

Violet, Ina & Finn hanging out in the shade  

Violet, Ina & Finn hanging out in the shade  

Henry looking for a shady spot

Henry looking for a shady spot

Made in the Shade

Falmouth with Emma, Lola, Luke, Bo & Casco

Casco & Bo scoping each other out; Emma & Lola strolling through the woods  

Casco & Bo scoping each other out; Emma & Lola strolling through the woods  

Luke trying to catch up with the pack

Luke trying to catch up with the pack

Casco is full speed ahead  

Casco is full speed ahead  

Bo lurking in the shadows

Bo lurking in the shadows

Emma did well with her new accessory today  

Emma did well with her new accessory today  

Luke, Bo & Casco, hanging with the boys  

Luke, Bo & Casco, hanging with the boys  

Lola is a blur running through the trees

Lola is a blur running through the trees

Emma is a happy pup

Emma is a happy pup

Emma & Loka playing chase

Emma & Loka playing chase

Back down the trail and heading for home

Back down the trail and heading for home

Fel's Grove Fun in the Field

Yarmouth with Saltine, Violet, Leo, Hank, Riley & Finn

Hank & Saltine headed down the trail  

Hank & Saltine headed down the trail  

Leo sprinting with a smile  

Leo sprinting with a smile  

Saltine headed to the closest watering hole  

Saltine headed to the closest watering hole  

Finn separating from the pack  

Finn separating from the pack  

Riley chasing his little brother  

Riley chasing his little brother  

Violet on the alert

Violet on the alert

Hank & Leo playing in the path

Hank & Leo playing in the path

Finn & Leo: puppy play time

Finn & Leo: puppy play time

Saltine is a happy girl  

Saltine is a happy girl  

Violet about to bounce across the field

Violet about to bounce across the field

The blur of Finn with Leo & Hank

The blur of Finn with Leo & Hank

Everyone headed across the bridge and back home

Everyone headed across the bridge and back home

Friday Beach Day

LittleJohn Preserve, Yarmouth with Henry, Roxy, Saltine & Tucker

Everyone splashing in the ocean  

Everyone splashing in the ocean  

Tucker coming up to the beach

Tucker coming up to the beach

Headed down the trail to the beach

Headed down the trail to the beach

Tucker following Saltine down the trail  

Tucker following Saltine down the trail  

Henry sniffing along the trail side  

Henry sniffing along the trail side  

Saltine running for the water

Saltine running for the water

Roxy running along the shoreline  

Roxy running along the shoreline  

Henry and Saltine playing chase through the waves

Henry and Saltine playing chase through the waves

Henry discovers seaweed

Henry discovers seaweed

Roxy & Saltine splashing through the ocean

Roxy & Saltine splashing through the ocean

Some wet dogs heading for home

Some wet dogs heading for home

Midweek Starting Five

Falmouth with Henry, Saltine, Ina, Violet & Tucker

Violet resting, while Henry tries to play and Tucker eats some grass

Violet resting, while Henry tries to play and Tucker eats some grass

Saltine chasing Ina, with Henry and Violet in tow

Saltine chasing Ina, with Henry and Violet in tow

Ina exploring the trail

Ina exploring the trail

Tucker following the pack

Tucker following the pack

Saltine leaping over a log

Saltine leaping over a log

Henry stopping for a rest while everyone runs circles around him  

Henry stopping for a rest while everyone runs circles around him  

Everyone roaming the fields

Everyone roaming the fields

Violet leaping to avoid Henry's pursuit  

Violet leaping to avoid Henry's pursuit  

Rolling around in the trees

Rolling around in the trees

Super Six Tuesday Fun

Pratt's Brook, Yarmouth with Henry, Violet, Lola, Nala, Riley & Finn

Henry & Violet headed down the trail

Henry & Violet headed down the trail

A jumble of dogs playing tag

A jumble of dogs playing tag

Finn & Henry are puppy pals

Finn & Henry are puppy pals

Riley blurring through the crew

Riley blurring through the crew

Ruby & Finn playing on the path  

Ruby & Finn playing on the path  

Nala is always smiling  

Nala is always smiling  

Violet taking a quick turn

Violet taking a quick turn

Henry loafing down the path

Henry loafing down the path

Riley making an appearance from his explorations  

Riley making an appearance from his explorations  

Nala & Violet are fast friends  

Nala & Violet are fast friends  

Finn & Ruby playing nonstop  

Finn & Ruby playing nonstop  

Headed for home

Headed for home

Thursday's Starting Five

Fort Williams, Cape Elizabeth with Calvin, Lola, Luke, Riley & Finn

Calvin overlooking the ocean  

Calvin overlooking the ocean  

Riley & Finn are ready to run

Riley & Finn are ready to run

Lola is a happy pup

Lola is a happy pup

Luke, riding shotgun  

Luke, riding shotgun  

Calvin running across the soccer field  

Calvin running across the soccer field  

Riley making an appearance after exploring the woods

Riley making an appearance after exploring the woods

Finn trying to find his big brother  

Finn trying to find his big brother  

Riley and Lola on the hunt  

Riley and Lola on the hunt  

Calvin & Lola playing chase

Calvin & Lola playing chase

Everyone headed back to the car to head for home

Everyone headed back to the car to head for home

Three's perfect company

It was a great afternoon for a little hiking through the woods of West Falmouth on the Blackstrap Preserve with Tucker, Emma and Lola.

A closeup of the happy trio on the trail.

A closeup of the happy trio on the trail.

Lola and Emma playing at the trailhead, while Tucker investigates.

Lola and Emma playing at the trailhead, while Tucker investigates.

Emma and Lola leading the way on the trail with Tucker and I lagging behind.

Emma and Lola leading the way on the trail with Tucker and I lagging behind.

Happy Tucker!

Happy Tucker!

Lola saying Hi!

Lola saying Hi!

Tucker finally joined in the fun to run and play with the girls.

Tucker finally joined in the fun to run and play with the girls.

Emma patiently waiting for us to catch up. 

Emma patiently waiting for us to catch up. 

Doing a little exploring of the dried up creek bed before heading back to the parking lot.

Doing a little exploring of the dried up creek bed before heading back to the parking lot.

Tucker and Emma heading for the truck while Lola gets in one last prance. 

Tucker and Emma heading for the truck while Lola gets in one last prance.